Praha CZ, Na Bělidle 64/3
Brno CZ, Příkop 27b


Repair order

We just need to know a few things from you to get started
IMPORTANT: By submitting this form and sending the device, you indicate to us that you have read and accepted both our general rules and requirements and our terms and conditionsPick up is for free, you only pay for the transport back 150 CZK.
Please, pack up the machine well, in the original box would be the best, we are not responsible for damage to the shipment during transport.
After sending the form, we will contact you as soon as possible.

The order is not binding and can be canceled at any time.


If you were looking for a service to repair your liquid damaged Mac, you have mostly found out only somebody who could clean the board , mainly with no effect. So you thought its the end. If you went to Apple Authorised Service provider, they told you that you have to change whole logic board for approx 600-800 USD. Well not anymore, we can fix your Mac for more fair prices.

Our diagnostics and estimate is for FREE

We believe, you should not pay to find out whats wrong with your device, because you already know – it’s LIQUID DAMAGED and CANNOT be repaired. Let us show you the opposite. We can give you free estimate within 1 day

We stand behind our work. We provide 1 year limited warranty for all logic board jobs we do.

We offer 1 year limited warranty for every logic board repair we do. We stand behind our work. If there is any problem, we always try to resolve it promptly.

Just click the button, include paper with your credentials inside the box. We handle the rest

We dont need the charger. Dont send any of your favorite boxes, we cannot guarantee we will return your device in the same box.